Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Take that!

Not much time today for development, it’s my wedding anniversary (11 years and counting!), so I’ll make this quick…

After some balancing, tweaking and bug fixing, I managed to kill the boss…

The fight is not as fun as I’d like… You almost never can see the boss, because he’ll kill you if you’re too close, so to make him walk where you want him to be, you’ll have to move out of the screen and make a guess… I even considered adding a different PoV for this fight, in which the camera is behind the player and focusing on the enemy, like a standard lock-on in third person adventure games. I’ll consider that when I receive playtest information…


Now, to get to another place… For that, I need fuel, but the new loot tables make it easier, so you can focus on grinding only if you want the alloy to purchase weapons, shields, armor, health packs, clone tubes, etc…

Now listening to “The Christmas Attic” by “Trans-Siberian Orchestra”

Link of the Day: Here’s some extremely nerdy humor from “the biz”… Most of these are obscure even if you’re in the field, but some of them are really funny: http://timothylottes.blogspot.pt/2014/07/bad-industry-humor-computer-engineering.html
