Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Water splash and bug fixing

Today I added some more water effects, namely the “waves” when you walk in the water and the splash when you get in:


It’s not very good, but I think it works…

Also added an effect for when lightning hits the water, instead of just leaving a scorch mark:


Then I had some bugs to fix, and laid some groundwork for the porting (replaced the explicit timer calls, which are OS dependent) for a function that can handle the pause.

And when I was almost done, I found yet another pathfinding bug, in which the drones stop hunting the player… Not sure why is that, but I decided the player need some feedback to know the state of the enemies (see if he’s been spotted, etc), so I’m adding that next!

Now listening to “End of an Empire” by “Celldweller”

Link of the Day: I love Harebrained Schemes since the excelent Shadowrun game… Besides a new Shadowrun game, and a tabletop game, they’re also working on Necropolis… Although I’m not a huge fan of roguelikes (I get tired after a bit), this one looks so cool:
