Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Task underestimation

Scheduling and task management is something I could never do just right, I always tend to underestimate the effort, even if I multiply the times by two or even three… I probably think I’m smarter than I actually am! Smile

Anyway, today was one of those tasks… I thought that reviewing the scanner effect would take me 20 minutes tops, ended up taking the whole evening, all because in a place I had the parameters in the order “normal, right, up”, and on another I had “right, up, normal”, but this took me forever to notice!


The new effect looks way better, though… Smile

In the process I found a lot of small bugs (unrelated), so that’s my next step, fixing those bugs before moving to something that might be fun or hell: creating random names for the planets! Smile

Now listening to “Blackstar One” by “Celldweller”
