Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Doing some multitasking…

So working on two things at the same time: getting a Linux Mint install to work properly, and finding a good way to debug/profile compute shaders…

Decided to try Linux Mint because I ran into a problem with some updates on Ubuntu 14.04… It’s not the first time this happens. I install something on Ubuntu and something breaks down and I spend several hours trying to figure out how to recover from it… This time, it was once too much, so I decided to try something different.

Unfortunately, when I try to install the NVidia drivers from their site something goes wrong and I get stuck on the login screen… I think it has something to do with how I’m uninstalling the nouveau drivers. For now, I’m leaving the drivers as is, since I need to do some work for my OldJob™ and I require a working Linux machine for it.

At the same time, I’m also trying to figure a good way to profile compute shaders. I got AMD’s GPU PerfStudio working, and it provides me some good info (apparently my reduce shader is taking 2ms to reduce 33 million elements), but this doesn’t account for retrieving the actual data, because everytime I add the code to lock the output buffer (through a Map method), it crashes the PerfStudio server…

So, not sure on how to proceed on that… Don’t see anybody else on the Internet with this issue, but I’ll keep on looking… Disappointed smile

Now listening to “Dreams and Imaginations” by “Two Steps From Hell”
