Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Blog issues…

Found yesterday that this blog’s theme has some sort of issue with the links to images… When you click on an image, which I expected to expand the image, it just pops up a progress bar and doesn’t budge…

I’ve been trying to figure out what the problem is, but honestly, I’m using WordPress+premade themes so I don’t have to figure out this sort of thing, so I’m probably just going to change the theme, as soon as I find a pleasant one… So if the blog is different from the last time you saw it, I made up my mind! Smile

Anyway, nobody complained so far, which just means we don’t have any readers, so I think I need to start investing in getting some attention to the game (although I’ve been delaying that for ages now, since I don’t feel we have anything worth showing and we’re ages until the game is complete!)…

Anyway, these are the news for today!
