Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Tag Archives: game

New storyline part…

Not much time for game dev today, but I started working on a new story part… Although the storyline components are done, I was unhappy with the way the game starts… It is a bit slow initially (the tutorial, establishing the game world, etc), so I’m afraid some people will lose interest in the game […]

New game over!

Today I revamped the game over system… On the old “Chrome Hunter” code, after the player was dead, I’d open an image screen with Game Over: And then go to the main menu… Now, it opens directly on the game, and gives the player the option of continuing from the last save, or go back […]

Game design issues

Today I finished work on the grenade display (and the consumption of items)… Nothing to show for it, since it’s all temporary art for now… Then, I was going to start with the health injector. The idea of a health injector is that you can use it to recharge your health bar. It’s like you […]


Finished balancing the last boss today, yay! It might not be a big challenge if the player is well geared, but it still requires some attention and a moderate amount of skill! Just missing three more elements and first pass is done: Equipment Screen Health Injectors Title Screen (to replace the ugly one below): It […]

Effect systems, revisited

This last week I’ve been spending my free time working on the effect system, again… I remembered that I have the need to parameterize effects (for example, cast effects must take parameters like the target position or the cast time), and for that I had to refactor the whole thing yet again… Good news: I […]