Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

AI state and more bugs

Today was mostly a bug-tracking day, with some polish to help me on this…

First thing I added was a display for the AI state… Now, when the player gets spotted by the enemies, it will get a visual queue… if the enemy loses the player, it will show the change again, etc… Considering the visual fidelity and the lack of other queues (animation, etc), this is a good compromise, and it helps me debug some issues, namely a pathfinding issue I was seeing…

It ended up not being anything, really, the enemies just lost line-of-sight and didn’t know where the player was, and the agro decay wasn’t working as fast as it should…

Also fixed the tracking system, so that it doesn’t show atmospherics on the map… Finally, fixed an old bug in which when the player took flight, the enemies would search for the player outside the game area, because they couldn’t detect the player’s position on the navigation mesh)…

All in all, a productive day!


Now listening to “Fallen” by “For My Pain”

Link of the Day: This is the sort of game I can see myself playing with VR:
