Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Category Archives: General

Useless day…

So today, my Windows install died… :\ Might have been a coincidence, but that “Get Windows 10” thingy came back today, and I removed it again, as I’ve done in the past, but after the restart, the computer was getting stuck on the “Installing updates”… Left it for a couple of hours, and the mouse […]

Organizing work

Today I spent my dev time looking at all the suggestions, comments and feedback I received from Game Dev Camp yesterday… There’s a ton of stuff to work through, but most of it is quite simple, just tweaks and adjustments… There’s just one I have no clue on how to address: the area transitions… Some […]

Game Dev Camp

So, today I spent my day at Game Dev Camp… It was the first time I showed Gateway in a public setting, and the reactions were quite positive overall… A ton of constructive criticism; most of it was stuff that made me think: “how did I miss that?!”, which says something about being too close […]

Small accident…

I bet you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in a bit… Reason is simple: I hurt my hands being an idiot and assembling four pieces of furniture by myself, this one included, so I decided next time I’m going to get the furniture assembled from sites as the Ivy and Wilde home furnishings online store: […]

Finalizing the office (I hope)…

So, today I’m going to Ikea to see if I can purchase some new furniture to help us finalize the office organization… Wish me luck! Now listening to “Lost In the New Real” by “Arjen Lucassen”

More office setup…

So me and my wife spent most of today just reorganizing the home office… we sure have a lot of crap… When it came time to work on the game, I was half asleep in front of the computer, and my eyes were extremely itchy, so no work today, I’ll see if I can get […]

New home office…

Well, no time to work on the game today… First, I was setting up my new “home office”, which involved a lot of moving around and clearing stuff from my desk… This is still not final (missing all the computers I need, and this desk is too small), but for now it will have to […]

Happy birthday to me

Well, it’s my birthday today, and that means no work… It’s one of my general rules that I never work on my birthday, and I’ve been faithful to it for the last 20 years or so! So, have a beer and toast to my good health that I keep thanks to eating healthy following a […]

Still on hold…

Well, as you might have surmised from my last post, there was a serious problem in my family, a death to be more exact, and as such I’m not in the state of mind nor I have the time to work on Gateway for a while now… Hopefully next week I’ll be able to come […]

Almost done!

Today I worked about 7 more hours on the game, and I finished everything I wanted, including some bonus features in terms of gameplay (out of scope for the project, but I just had to do it)… So, presenting: “Ghosts of the Nether” (because I’m terrible at naming stuff)… I still want to try to […]