Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Monthly Archives: July 2015

This was complicated…

What seemed like a simple issue to solve (lack of performance on low-end card because of ambient occlusion) ended up being much more complicated than expected! So, yesterday I decided to add a new system to be able to customize the level of ambient occlusion (in terms of resolution)… I added the system, but while […]

Issues with performance

Today I was trying to test the game in fullscreen under Linux and I found a weird performance issue… In the initial cutscene, the game was running very slow (about 30 FPS), but when I moved the player to the left a bit (so more geometry on screen), the game jumped to the normal 60 […]

Working Linux build!

And after a lot of tears, blood and sweat, I got a Linux build of the game working 100%! Even sound is working perfectly! Now I’m feeling the urge to get this working on the Mac as well, but I’m not sure if I want to fight that battle just yet… Maybe I’ll look into […]

64-bit Windows Build

Finished today the 64-bit windows build… This was a bit more work than I expected, since there was small stuff that wasn’t prepared for that, bugs to sort out, linkage issues, etc… Anyway, got it up and running and now I can pass those changes to the Linux version, and see if that works properly […]

Linux Porting, Part 3–The Linkagening, Part 2

Finally finished the 64-bit porting (syntax/compile-wise), and after a couple of hours, all libraries are linked! So now, time to run the game for the first time: Bah, more issues with .SOs… Most of the stuff I actually compiled as a static library (or is included with the system), but this one I can’t… So […]

Linux Porting, Part 3–The Linkagening

So today I finished compiling the main game code, and I stepped into linking, and I started having issues, mainly mismatches between 32-bit and 64-bit libraries… I was trying to compile the game in 32-bit (don’t need the memory space of 64-bit), but after some soul-searching (about 10 minutes of it), I decided to go […]

Linux Porting, Part 2…

Got the main game library to compile, so now it’s time to tackle the actual game code… This went fairly well, considering I’m using a lot of external libraries, that needed to be compiled or installed: – FMOD: For audio support, supplied with binaries that worked with no issues (which was surprising, binary distributions on […]

Linux Porting, Part 1…

So now I’ve started porting the game to Linux… Most of the work I’ve done it before-hand (OpenGL, GLFW, GLEW, FMOD, etc), but of course there’s a miriad of stuff I’ve forgot, so now it’s mostly fixing small syntax issues… That also requires to compile/install a lot of libraries, making sure I don’t have mismatches, […]

Updating Linux, Part 2…

After four hours of work today, I managed to get my Ubuntu working again, at version 14.04! It took a lot of work… First I had to figure out why the installation wasn’t working… That was due to some broken packages, that had to be removed by hand (thank you “apt-get remove”). Then, after the […]

Updating Linux…

This started off nicely… I started building my Linux project for Gateway, using Netbeans, and the first compilation error was the lack of an include file somewhere in the standard library… Ok, looking in the net, I found I was missing a package… So install the package and find out I can’t solve the dependencies […]