Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…


Well, this is one of those days that feels like a waste, although it isn’t…

I decided to put in a loader for the game, so that the player has some feedback while it’s loading:


All fine and dandy, working perfectly…

Problem is that in the process of making the loader, I found a couple of big inefficiencies in the load code, which means that the load time dropped from about 30 seconds to 2 or 3, making the whole loader thing moot…

So, good news/bad news situation… Smile

Fast loads are very good, I really like a game in which I an just thing “I’m going to play 5 minutes” and not spend 2 minutes watching splash and load screens!

Now listening to “Sigh No More” by “Gamma Ray”

Link of the Day: Some people have all the talent… Check out the pixel art in this trailer:
