Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Everybody’s Kung Fu Fighting!

Today was very productive… Added a new type of enemy, with a special ability, which is rather cool, and it makes gameplay more varied, and finished a couple of cutscenes…


I got to say, working a bit on the game every day for more than a month is really good for morale… not only I have more fun making the game, I’m more productive and new ideas are always popping up in my head… Most of them will be left for sequels/offshoots/other games, but a lot of those I actually used, for example the new ability of the *****…

The only bummer is that I’m reaching that part in the game development that I have to be careful with what I say, don’t want to spoil the story for anybody (not that this is exactly a brilliant, unpredictable story, or that anybody actually reads this… Smile).

Now listening to “Unification” by “Iron Savior”

Link of the Day: Super-cool science thingy! The image where you can’t even see the crinkles is specially impressive! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2690424/Scientists-discover-new-black-British-researchers-devise-material-dark-looks-like-black-hole.html
