Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Random Missions: Escort text

Today I mostly worked on the escort missions text…

Then, I landed on a planet, and for actually the first time I saw the fog on lava planets:


I think it looks rather good!

Problem is that I loose the skybox this way, which is too bad as well, but maybe I can think of a way to add to the fog shader the azimuth of the camera so that the fog color changes according to the angle, so that we have best of the two worlds (this is kind of what happens in the real world, if we think of scattering over long distances).

Anyway, finished the text for the escort missions and created the variation texts for the escort start cutscene.

Now listening to “Souls Highway” by “Beseech”

Link of the Day: Looks a bit tedious from the video (but it’s in early development, so that’s to be expected), but “Eitr” has great looking pixel art, tons of atmosphere, and really good aesthetics all around!
