Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Tag Archives: cave

Polishing the caves…

Working on the caves, I found a lot of small bugs… First, something I should have noticed before, but it really becomes apparent when you have no light: explosions have a light and that light was not being computed properly: It ended up just being a bad setup of the structures for lighting, took me […]


Just added crystals as props on the cave areas… and for good measure, decided to add a lighting effect to them, to spice up the area a bit, especially because the cave levels are all dark (the only source of light is the player’s flashlight). It turned out better than I expected: I just added […]

Cave chasms

Today, I’ve worked on making the caves a bit more traversable. Procedural generation is very hard – there’s a big conflict between “playable” and “correct”, so you end up with a lot of code to fix situations where the generation is “realistic”, but that would lead to a whole lot of issues… Case in point, […]