Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

More work on the almost-final cutscene…

Today I’ve worked a bit more on the cutscene… This one is a lot more work than the previous ones, because it has more special effects and I’m trying to make it a bit more “movie-like”.

First, I had to build a new shader for the portal effect when it’s open… Because of some errors, I ended up doing something pretty cool (especially while moving):


That inner part circles around, it looks like an animated watercolor, it is neat, but it wasn’t what I wanted to build…

When the portal opens, I wanted something more like a… well, a portal, and less like a vortex. After playing around with the shader, I got what I wanted:


Then I continued with everything else on the cutscene, but I’m really not happy with the way it is chained together… It looks disconnected, like there’s two cutscenes in one, without relation between them…
So, I’m thinking on how to improve it… I have some ideas, but not sure they’ll work as well, and they suffer from the problem of extending an already relatively long cutscene… Guess I’ll have to try…

Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish this one tomorrow!

Now listening to “Secret of the Runes” by “Therion”

Link of the Day: I think I already linked this one in the past, but it’s looking pretty good… I used to love this sort of “construction/sandbox” games, but for years I haven’t been able to find something that really pulled me in in this genre. This one looks like it might change that:
