Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Working the maps…

Today I’m mostly working on the game maps, adding the new props the artist has provided, and fixing some minor issues related to the latest updates on the game…

I’m still working on finding a new job, so not much time to develop the game (even it might help me land a job)… Today I’m starting work on a challenge for one of the companies I applied to, and I’ll have to make a game in SDL (haven’t touched that in ages)…


I’ll try to keep on working on the game in the coming days anyway, but it’s becoming really hard to balance finishing my work at my regular job, working on getting a new job, and deciding if I go forward staying at the same company but in another country or if I take the plunge into professional game development (either going full indie for some months, or by finding a job in a game company)… Hard choices ahead!

Now listening to “Absolute Dissent” by “Killing Joke”

Link of the Day: This is so impressive and cool:
