Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Tag Archives: bugs

AI state and more bugs

Today was mostly a bug-tracking day, with some polish to help me on this… First thing I added was a display for the AI state… Now, when the player gets spotted by the enemies, it will get a visual queue… if the enemy loses the player, it will show the change again, etc… Considering the […]

Water splash and bug fixing

Today I added some more water effects, namely the “waves” when you walk in the water and the splash when you get in: It’s not very good, but I think it works… Also added an effect for when lightning hits the water, instead of just leaving a scorch mark: Then I had some bugs to […]

Argh, more precision bugs!

The days started great… Added the “grass” shader to OpenGL, and added the option to hide the UI (great for screenshots), and was adding something pretty cool: water splashes when the player jumps or falls into water. In the process, I found another silly precision bug (that of course, manifests if I switch renderers): when […]

More bugs down!

Today was mostly a bug-hunting day, but I had time to do other stuff… First things first, I removed one of the big bugs in the game: a raycast issue that would sometimes cause the game to freeze… This was very hard to detect, but after I found a way to replicate it consistently, it […]

I hate precision issues…

So, better camp sites (more seamless with the surroundings): And then I decided to tackle a bug that was plaguing me for some time: the world generation on Direct3D and OpenGL were yielding different results: OpenGL on the left, D3D9 on the right… Way different… After a load of time and logging, I finally found […]

More bug fixing

Not much time to work on the game today, so I mostly took care of some outstanding bugs related to the placement of enemies. This sort of case would happen pretty often: Note that spawner would overlap the lava… The issue was that when considering places to position enemies, I’d only search for a single […]

Covenant: The Bug-Crusher!

Today I dedicated the evening in working on bugs… Squashed a lot of those, most of it stuff I broken on previous refactorings and others that I knew about forever but didn’t want to fix because that sucks! List includes (but is not limited to): Skybox is now unaffected by the fog Scorch marks now […]


Today it was bug-fixing time… First bug was an old one that was annoying me, even if it was simple to solve: the screen would turn purple on transition between areas… The second bug was the normals on the objects… For imported objects, I’m using the 3ds format (because it was simple and I already […]


Today I worked on some bug fixing and optimization, namely on the voxel raycasting… I already suspected that my raycasting function was a bit iffy and missed some intersections, but today I got to confirm that and to fix it, while optimizing it a lot… So yesterday, while in debug mode, the game would drop […]

More issues with decals…

Unfortunately, my initial idea that screen-space decals was some sort of magic bullet was completely wrong… They work great a lot of the time, easy to implement, fast… but (there’s always a but) they have some small details which break it down… The issue I talked about yesterday was mostly solved with the stencil buffer: […]