Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Tag Archives: bugs

Finished with props…

Finally finished with props! Had to go into the maps and readjust positions because of the change in pivot point, but now the system is working very nicely! Also added a FPS counter on the game, because I had the feeling that the rendering on OpenGL was slower than on D3D9, but it ended up […]

Pirate lair props done!

Finished the props on the pirate lairs, which involved adjusting the pivot points of most assets in the game… Now I need to work on all the maps to account for this… It’s boring work, but easy enough (except the part where I have to add prop manipulation to the editor, which shouldn’t be too […]

More work on props

Today I managed to fix one of the bugs that, although not game breaking, annoyed me the most: props in front of doorways: To do this, I just check the bounding box of the prop with the bounding box of the door… This was a bit of a headache because the coordinate spaces are different […]

Fixing props

Now I’m working on something boring: fixing small stuff… In this case, prop placement on the pirate lairs. Currently, a lot of the props get in front of doors, have wrong bounding boxes, etc. For example: In this case, the table has a bad pivot point and the size is not aligned with the voxel […]

So ashamed…

Finally figured out what was the problem with my reconstruction of the position from the FOV and depth… NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! The problem was way before that… For some reason (and I never noticed it for years on end), I was using the field of view parameter as the VERTICAL field of view, scaled by […]

Gameplay/Tech tweaks

Today I mostly worked on tweaking the targeting system of the game. Gateway is a game that has a lot of shooting, so that has to be fun… The last thing we want is the player thinking “I was clicking on the enemy, why was the weapon missing?!”, even if it is 100% correct from […]

Interlude: BUGS!

Well, for some time now things were going slowly but according to plan… No, not anymore! Too bad I didn’t take a screenshot of the before, but the pirate lairs were a mess… The laser beams were in the wrong position, the ceilings weren’t displaying, the props were all over the place… Just some small […]


Somewhere along the way in developing the last area, I broke the explosions… This is what they’re looked before (some months ago): This is how they looked at the beginning of the evening: Terrible, especially in motion, in noticed every single “glob” of them, the ground was too dark… a mess altogether… The problem, turns […]

Bugs on the editor

Today I mostly struggled with a bug on my editor. I’ve added a shader to one of the voxel materials, to give it a special effect to the end zone, but when I tried to add some alpha to it, it wouldn’t display anything… After an hour or so of searching the wrong place, I […]