Spellcaster Studios

Make it happen…

Category Archives: Technology

Savegames done!

Finally… Took me way longer than I wanted, but given the circumstances, it was the possible timeline… And I can even go from binary to XML, which is good for hacking for tests… In the meantime, the artist finished the new version of the table assets, so I’m going to place that in the game, […]

Loading savegames…

Still working on this (and hitting myself in the head for not doing a more common system for this in the beginning, more “abstract”). Anyway, reached an issue that will make the code altogether more complicated… On the XML loader, the player data (positions, weapons, etc) is stored in an XML node, so when loading […]

Work, work, work…

Note to self: always do ASCII/binary save game code in parallel, or using some sort of abstraction… :\ Actually, I usually do this, a bit more data-driven approach than with this game, but since this game is a the Frankenstein of games, I’m paying the cost (technological debt) yet again… This game would have been […]

Savegames done…

New version of the savegames, now in binary, is complete… Used to take 2 to 9 seconds to make a save in XML, now it takes 50 ms… So, that’s a win! Next step, load the savegame, which should be the easy part… Would have been done by now, if I wasn’t still sorting some […]

Savegames, revisited…

The savegames on Gateway are taking a bit too long to execute (about 2 secs)… This is not a big issue, but it causes some stalls before and after a cutscene, and I dislike it… Besides, the first save I save, it takes 2 seconds, but the second (and the rest) takes 9 seconds, which […]


I have more time for Byron Bay, since today is actually my wedding anniversary… So I just added the selection capability to the action mapper and UI map… Unfortunately, just remembered I still have a very complex component to make for the UI Map system: the scrolling components… That one will be tricky to add […]

Mapping actions…

Most of the major code of the action mapper is done, now I need to convert the existing code to use the action mapper instead of the previous systems… On some cases this might prove tricky (the email viewer, for example), since it was one of the first things I’ve created, so it’s a bit […]

The action mapper

Two things I was still missing from the core tech was the ability to redefine keys (not everyone likes my layout, of course, and people with keyboards different from QWERTY might have some difficulty using WASD), and controller support. For both of these, I need to build an action mapper. This is an abstraction layer […]

Mac port working!

Yeah, I got the Mac version working! No sound for some reason (need to investigate), but working fine as far as I can see… The weird part was that I was expecting to have to upgrade the shaders (I’m using version 1.40, which correspond to OpenGL 3.1, and this context is not backwards compatible), but […]